
public final class Cells extends Object
Holds the structure used to store data during a brainfrick method execution. A method will hold a reference to one of these, as its first non-argument local variable, as well as an integer that points to a location within it as the second such local variable.
  • Constructor Summary

    Creates a new cell structure.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    asInt(int idx)
    Gets an integer representation of the object at a given index, to be used during the ':' or ',' operations.
    decr(int idx, int amount)
    Decrements the object at the given cell the provided number of times.
    get(int idx)
    Gets the object at a given index in the structure; used during the '.' operation.
    incr(int idx, int amount)
    Increments the object at the given cell the provided number of times.
    isZero(int idx)
    Determines whether the element at a given index is zero-like.
    set(int idx, Object obj)
    Replaces the object at a given index in the structure.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Cells

      public Cells()
      Creates a new cell structure. Should be called once at the beginning of each method or constructor in compiled brainfrick. Each location in the structure is initialized as null.
  • Method Details

    • get

      public Object get(int idx)
      Gets the object at a given index in the structure; used during the '.' operation.
      idx - The index of the element to return. Can be a positive or negative value.
      The object at that index of the structure, or null if no element is stored there.
    • set

      public void set(int idx, Object obj)
      Replaces the object at a given index in the structure.
      idx - The index of the element to replace. Can be a positive or negative value.
      obj - The object to place at that index in the structure, or null to clear that index.
    • asInt

      public int asInt(int idx)
      Gets an integer representation of the object at a given index, to be used during the ':' or ',' operations.
      idx - The index to get an integer representation of.
      An integer representation of the element at the given index.
      ImproperTypeException - if the value cannot be unboxed or converted to an int
      See Also:
    • isZero

      public boolean isZero(int idx)
      Determines whether the element at a given index is zero-like. Used during the '[' and ']' operations.
      idx - The index of the object to be checked.
      true if the object is zero-like, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • incr

      public void incr(int idx, int amount)
      Increments the object at the given cell the provided number of times. Used during the '+' operation.
      idx - The index of the object to be incremented.
      amount - The number of times to increment the object.
      UnsupportedCellOperationException - if the object cannot be incremented.
      See Also:
    • decr

      public void decr(int idx, int amount)
      Decrements the object at the given cell the provided number of times. Used during the '-' operation.
      idx - The index of the object to be decremented.
      amount - The number of times to decrement the object.
      UnsupportedCellOperationException - if the object cannot be decremented.
      See Also: