Interface Numberlike

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Numberlike extends Zeroable
An object implementing this interface is marked as being number-like for the purpose of indexing arguments, using the ',' operator, or indexing callers, using the ':' operator. When either operator is used while pointing towards an instance, getInt() is called. Additionally, instances can be unboxed to any primitive type.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default byte
    Gets a byte representation of the object.
    default char
    Gets a char representation of the object.
    default double
    Gets a double representation of the object.
    default float
    Gets a float representation of the object.
    Gets an integer representation of the object.
    default long
    Gets a long representation of the object.
    default short
    Gets a short representation of the object.
    default boolean
    Called when the '[' or ']' operators are used while pointing towards the instance, or when the instance is unboxed into a boolean value.
  • Method Details

    • getInt

      int getInt()
      Gets an integer representation of the object.
      an integer representation of the object to be used for indexing or unboxing.
    • getShort

      default short getShort()
      Gets a short representation of the object.
      a short representation of the object to be used for unboxing.
    • getByte

      default byte getByte()
      Gets a byte representation of the object.
      a byte representation of the object to be used for unboxing.
    • getChar

      default char getChar()
      Gets a char representation of the object.
      a char representation of the object to be used for unboxing.
    • getLong

      default long getLong()
      Gets a long representation of the object.
      a long representation of the object to be used for unboxing.
    • getFloat

      default float getFloat()
      Gets a float representation of the object.
      a float representation of the object to be used for unboxing.
    • getDouble

      default double getDouble()
      Gets a double representation of the object.
      a double representation of the object to be used for unboxing.
    • isZero

      default boolean isZero()
      Description copied from interface: Zeroable
      Called when the '[' or ']' operators are used while pointing towards the instance, or when the instance is unboxed into a boolean value.
      Specified by:
      isZero in interface Zeroable
      true if the object should be considered zero-like; false otherwise.