All Classes and Interfaces

Utility methods for using arrays from brainfrick.
An exception thrown to indicate that the buffer of values available when brainfrick attempts to call a callable was too small for the callable in question.
Represents any sort of callable object.
Holds the structure used to store data during a brainfrick method execution.
An object implementing this interface is marked as having custom decrementation logic.
An exception thrown to indicate that a type cannot be unboxed into another type.
An object implementing this interface is marked as having custom incrementation logic.
Contains methods used while invoking Caller instances from a compiled brainmap, or when attempting to box or unbox values in order to create integer indices during Cells.asInt(int).
An object implementing this interface is marked as being number-like for the purpose of indexing arguments, using the ',' operator, or indexing callers, using the ':' operator.
Contains utility methods used by brainfrick to handle casting to return types.
An exception thrown to indicate that a given brainfrick operation (such as incrementing or decrementing) cannot be applied to the given object.
An object implementing this interface is marked as having custom logic to determine whether it is zero-like for the purpose of the '[' or ']' operators.