Luke Bemish

Photograph of Luke Bemish

An undergraduate studying mathematics and biology with a concentration in neuroscience; interested in systems neuroscience and dynamical systems.



Neuroscience, as a field, is fundamentally interdisciplinary. The discipline combines techiniques and knowledge from a slew of other fields, including psychology, biology, mathematics, and even physics. I believe that the goals of neuroscientific research are twofold: to gain a deep understanding of the brain and the processes involved, and to build the physical and computational tools needed to repair, modify, integrate, and even create neural circuits.

About Me

My name is Luke Bemish; I am an undergraduate student studying at St Olaf College in Northfield, MN, USA, in mathematics and biology. My current research focuses involve investigating information theory based approaches to detecting and quantifying the encoding of a stimulus in a neural response.

Though recent innovations have been revolutionary, silicon-based computing has fundamental limits. The next computational revolution will involve the adoption of new mediums of computation, and I believe neural computing offers exciting possibilities for novel problem-solving approaches. To be able to build or repair neural circuits with precision, we must have a deep understanding of the structure of the diverse subcircuits involved in a brain, their behavior, how they are formed developmentally, and how they adapt to new inputs or recover from damage. Additionally, we must build the computational and mathematical tools needed to understand the internal behavior of complicated systems, like the brain, where we can only easily measure from a small subset of the entire circuit.

To build these tools and knowledge, I am interested in research accross the field of neuroscience, with a focus on understanding the development and function of specific neural arrangements, as well as developing the mathematical tools to understand and predict how the behaviors of countless small subcircuits are combined in emergent properties of the entire brain.
